Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Break...We're still ALIVE!!!

We traveled on up the road to pick up Amber and the boys praying that L doesn't get sick and that the storms hold off. We meet them and head on up the road knowing that there are tornado warnings in MO. My DH told me to go and not piddle and we should be able to make it. We got to MO and I turned on what I thought was the road I needed and soon realized it wasn't so we turned around and proceeded to go back to the HWY. I soon found the correct turn and so we were on our way until I realized I could see the hwy we were just I proceed to turn around again!!!! I forgot there was one other turn to make. My dad calls to see where we I figured that meant the storms were getting close. We make it and get unloaded just as the bottom drops out! So we make it to our condo that my parents were so gracious to let us use. I'm so spoiled. Condo travel is the only way to go with young kids....especially 5 young kids!

Well I'm going to let Amber tell about the rest of the trip b/c she has already blogged about it and it'll save me some she's a better writer than me.

Click here to see Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Here's some pictures I took. Hope you enjoyed your spring break if you got one. This is my first one since having kids!!!!


Amber said...

We had the BEST time!!! As exhausting as it was, it was a blast!! Would do it again in a heartbeat!!!! :)

Still love that goat on the turtle! :)

Lori said...

Is that a picture of a goat standing on top of a turtle?!