I just got done reading Rex by Cathleen Lewis. This book is a great book for anyone. I normally would not have picked this book out for myself but something about it intrigued me. I absolutely loved it!
This book is a journey through Rex's life as written by his mother. It will make you smile to see Rex's successes. It will make you cry when Rex regresses and it will make you want to reach out and hug Cathleen, his mother and author of the book. Rex was born blind and also battles other neurological issues including autism. Through a simple gift, a piano, Rex's life takes a unique turn. The piano gives Rex an outlet for learning, escaping and eventually socializing with others.
Cathleen also took a journey of faith throughout Rex's life. She began praying for healing and ending up realizing all she needed to do was "Walk by Faith, Not by Sight". Rex was truly a blessing from God.
As a mom, reading this book made me realize how good I have it and how petty things are that bother me. Cathleen makes you realize how difficult autism and other disabilities can be on parents financially, emotionally and physically. As a first time author, she did a fantastic job pulling you into their lives as you are reading this book. I highly recommend this book!
No School, No Work!
14 years ago
Glad to hear you enjoyed the book. It was one of my options but I went with the Lucado book instead.
sounds interesting
I finished mine, too...now just have to write the review.
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