Saturday, September 20, 2008

Life as a Soccer Mom

It has been a busy week. I don't know how mom's do it when they work. I was just there 3 mos ago and can't imagine being there now.

We had dance this week, baseball practice twice, baseball game once, soccer game and more hitting practice. We got a few books read this week and homework done. Oh and I had bunko in the mix of it all...but I don't count. If I didn't have the time from 3-5 to do homework, feed the kids snacks, etc I would absolutely go crazy.

I can't say that laundry is done now and ironing is definitely not done. The house is not clean and I have sewing to do. I just don't know how people do it.

Oh another note...we had a playdate this week and I'd have to say that I have met several moms that have kids the same age as L that are just absolutely wonderful. There is that bond there b/c we are all in the same boat and we all understand what each of us are going through.

Amber, I don't know how I'd manage life without you there. You are such a good friend and I know that you don't judge me. I admire you for being the best SOCCER MOM there is.

For all you other SOCCER MOM's out there that think life has to be smooth...It doesn't...we'll all make it through.

Life as a Thirty-Something

I've had the opportunity to get to know several college students and spend time with them over the course of the last several years through church. It reminds me a lot of my life 15 years ago. 18 years old...Freshman in college...pledging a sorority...boy crazy! Everything from back then seems so petty now compared to life now.

Life now is amazing. I have an amazing husband who loves me unconditionally, two beautiful, smart kids that are good most of the time :), am able to stay home and try to be Susie Homemaker, have a great group of friends and a great church family.

My advice now when I talk to one of my college it seems like a big thing now but in a few years you'll look back and think why did I make such a big deal out of this. I wish someone would have told me that but who knows if I would have listened.