Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday Shopping

I was one of those Black Friday shoppers. It's the first Friday in 8 yrs I haven't had to work. My mom and I went into Conway and shopped starting at 5:00. The sales were great and we weren't out to just get the latest and greatest...we were just out having a good time trying to get her Christmas started/finished and I was picking up stuff that we needed or would need in the next couple of months. I got a $10 gift card at Belk...they were giving them away to the first $250 cutomers. E got some shoes on sale. L got new jeans $8 each. I got some pants. We got new luggage for our trip coming up next summer. So I did get a few fun things....Point of Grace's new Christmas CD, a book for A "GiGi's Christmas" and a DVD for the kids "A Really Woolly Christmas".

Then it was to Hobby Lobby....that's where i get into trouble. I got ornaments to do for L's class at school and new fabric....check it out here.

I've got 2 more presents to get and I'll be done....I'm so excited. Will I do Black Friday again??? Who knows it was fun but I was worn out.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope you all have a wonderful time with family and friends this Thanksgiving! Drive safely and don't eat too much :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Check out my new blog

I've started a new blog for my home based business... Addie Mae's Closet

Check it out sometime and if you'd like to place an order just email me. Also check out a couple of my friends that have home based businesses also.

VGR Designs
Nola Mae
Pet Panache

Friday, November 7, 2008


Our county health dept was having a drive-thru flu shot clinic with FREE flu shots. Convenient and free who can beat that. After a little Zumba this morning the kids and I decided to head over to the health dept...well I decided...the kids had no idea where we were going. I turn on to the street get in line and stop...and here it goes. "Mommy where are we going"..."just somewhere"..."Where are we going Mommy!"..."To this place down here"..."what place"..."The health dept"...somehow along the wait they figured it out. "oh no....I'm not getting a shot...I don't like shots" said the older, not so brave, big brother. "I don't like shots either...I don't want a shot" said the younger, follow my older brothers lead, little sister.

Well we eventually got to the end of the line...yes, you guessed it...the SHOT! First of all I didn't dress any of us to pull up our sleeve so that was one hurdle...the easiest hurdle. I got my big deal. A's turn. She runs to Bubbies side of the van but I manage to get her and get the shot taken care of with out much of a scene.

I get her back in the car and get ready to get L out. He's not in his seat...he's in the back of the van, shaking his head "No!". He moves back to the middle and I try to coerce him out....remember there are a lot of cars behind us. Finally he gets out, gets his shot and gets back in the car...CRYING. "It hurts, I can't buckle".

We go to the park but still hurts so we head home to recoup at home. Now I have one down for nap and the other is playing with a friend and they hardly remember this morning. The things that we go through for our kids!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Loads and Loads....not necessarily fun!

My friend Meredith has been talking about her household systems and how to improve upon them. Knowing Meredith there is no need to improve but I know we always think we need improving. Well here in my palace I need help...lots and lots of help! I just can't seem to keep up with it all. I know I'm not the only one because I had this conversation just this past weekend with friends.

I decided after reading Meredith blog on her laundry system that I was going to put a plan into action. I knew that I couldn't do what she does and do it first thing in the morning before the kids are gone to school because I'm barely up and about by then (My wonderful husband takes my son to school). Here is what I decided to do....

1-2 loads a day alternating lights, darks and whites. Throwing towels and sheets in with the white. I'm trying to fold and put up as soon as they are done. That has always been my struggle. I even finished ironing today.

So what does my laundry room look like right now? There are a few of the kids clothes hanging up that I need to put up. Laundry basket in my bed room is empty and the baskets in the laundry room are pretty much empty with a load in the washer. To me that is start my week caught up.

If I can just continue on I'll be doing good in the laundry area. What do I conquer next? The kitchen, the kids rooms, the game closet, my bathroom, my room?????????
I need to paint the kids rooms but have to clean and organize first so I think that will be my next place to conquer. If anyone has tips on keeping their kitchen clean or kids rooms organized pass them on...I feel like I'm constantly picking up!